While the global pandemic has disrupted the daily lives of workers, many are beginning to envision their post-pandemic future — and the important role the workplace will still play. To consider what the future workplace model will look like in a post-pandemic world, Gensler’s Research Institute asked workers about their work from home experience and how their expectations of work and their workplace may have shifted in light of COVID-19. Gensler’s newest UK Workplace Survey results define the future hybrid workplace model by understanding how people want to work in the future, what leaders can do to optimise performance, and what future office space needs might include.
On Thursday, 12 November, Gensler Europe’s Consulting Leader Kerri Henderson unpacked key findings from Gensler’s UK Workplace Survey 2020 on the future of work. She was joined by Gensler Europe Strategy Director Jane Clay, who moderated a panel discussion with Gensler experts including Julia Simet, Managing Principal Europe, Harry Cliffe Roberts, Repositioning & Landlord Services Leader, Chris Crawford, Media & Technology Leader, and Colin Burry, Design Director. The panel explored what the findings could mean for both occupiers and building owners as the role of the office evolves to support emerging hybrid work modes.
Download Gensler’s UK Workplace Survey 2020 to learn more about how we are working with clients on strategies and solutions to support the future of work to meet new needs and expectations of the UK workforce, and download Gensler’s latest US Workplace Survey to compare responses that reflect the experience of US-based workers.
Survey Methodology: The findings are based on the responses of 2,500+ full-time UK office workers from across 9 industries, and represent a wide range of seniority levels, roles, generations, and geographies across the UK.