Auckland Airport interior Auckland Airport Interior Auckland Airport interior Auckland Airport interior Auckland Airport interior Auckland airport restroom interior Auckland Airport interior Auckland airport interior
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Auckland Airport International Departures Experience

Auckland, New Zealand

Gensler was selected to lead design efforts for Auckland Airport’s major airport-wide development and upgrade program, contributing towards the airport’s 30-year master plan. Teamed with local architect Jasmax, Gensler’s Aviation design team oversaw the terminal expansion, which supports new gates, defines the airport’s local identity, and provides an enhanced passenger experience. The upgraded international departure area is comprised of three distinct spaces: a reconfigured landside farewell area, a new and expanded security screening and processing area, and a new “dwell” lounge and retail hub for departing passengers. Expressing a New Zealand journey through “the sea, land, and sky,” the design story guides materials, furniture, and art integration that create a sense of place and represent the “best of New Zealand” including its land, people, and innovations.