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Club Ideate

Gensler Atlanta partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of Metro Atlanta (BGCMA) to develop and champion a program to support the next generation of brilliant, diverse creatives who can make a positive impact on the world. Enter Club Ideate — an annual program established in 2017 that aims to increase awareness of how one’s creative thinking can shape their communities.

As part of the three-day immersive design summer camp, middle school and high school students learn to create spaces, buildings, and experiences for a community to promote health, wealth, and community engagement. Here, the creative students are presented with a design challenge that strengthens team building and presentation skills while fostering community connection and storytelling. Club Ideate works to expose students of color to the design and architecture industries, encouraging young creatives to design for the human experience. The program is hosted by a diverse group of professional interior designers, graphic designers, and architects at a local university focused on creative careers.

Gensler Atlanta also partners with Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) and the National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA) to enhance the student experience by placing students in an educational environment that supports creativity and further extends their awareness of Black professionals in the design industry.