Interior at Virtru, Washington, D.C. showing varied work zones.

Workplace Performance Index®

Unlocking workplace potential

Virtru, Washington, D.C.

The Workplace Performance Index (WPIx) is an online diagnostic tool to measure workplace performance.

Since 2008, the WPIx survey has been a pioneering tool exclusively developed by Gensler to empower clients in making informed design decisions and measure design impact.

Diagnose your workplace performance to understand what works, what doesn’t, and what your employees value.

Comprehensive understanding

15-minute customizable survey diagnoses how and where employees work, how they use space, and identifies what works/doesn’t work, and what people value most.


Immediate results can be filtered by department/group, building/site/campus, country/region, role or tenure. Suitable for single workplace projects or global portfolios.

Comparative analysis

Benchmark results by county, industry, or global high-performing workplaces from Gensler’s research for competitive insights.

Design impact

Post-occupancy surveys measure the design impact on work behaviors, key metrics, and outcomes.

Actionable reporting

Robust analytics deliver practical insights to inform design decisions and mitigate risk.

Annual benchmarking

Future workplace change is identified by comparing to latest research and benchmarks.
A view of the Workplace Performance Diagnostic Dashboard
* Dashboard design varies depending on content modes and specific use-case scenarios.

How the WPIx works



Customizable survey deployed to all employees


Results can be filtered to scale and compare against top-performing companies, country or industry.


Identify actionable design strategies to improve workplace performance


Post-occupancy report to measure design impact

Go deeper with optional key performance indicators.

Learn more about your employees at an individual, team, or enterprise level. We can measure individual engagement and commitment; how well your teams are working together; or what motivates your organization to innovate.
Measuring employee engagement
Are your employees energized or willing put in extra effort? Measure individual engagement with their work.
Would your employees speak positively of your company? Learn the extent of individual commitment.
Measuring strength of team relationships
Team Relationships
How well are your teams working together? Measure team dynamics, trust, and relationships.
How aware are your employees of what is happening around the organization? Do they know how their work impacts others?
Measuring a culture of innovation
Does your work environment foster innovation? Measure your space against the most innovative companies.
How well does your organization motivate employees? Learn what excites your employees and how achievements can be celebrated.

The WPIx has been deployed in more than 60 countries and translated to 18 languages.

97 million
data points collected

The WPIx program is supported by a dedicated team within the Gensler Research Institute. WPIx surveys are conducted by strategy and design teams across Gensler’s global offices.

What is the purpose of the WPIx?

The WPIx is designed to gather feedback from your staff about how they work as well as the functionality, design, and experience of your workplace. The insights gained from these surveys can diagnose what works/doesn’t work and what employees value in order to improve workplace conditions, enhance efficiencies, and boost employee satisfaction.

What types of questions are included in the WPIx?

A typical WPIx survey will include a range of questions covering various aspects of the workplace including topics such as:

  • How and where work happens (within and nearby the office)
  • Design and function of individual, meeting, and common work areas
  • Work environment (lighting, temperature, noise levels)
  • Workplace performance impacts and KPIs at individual, team, and organization scales
  • Overall experience, satisfaction, and well-being
Can the survey be customized to fit our specific needs?

Yes, WPIx questions can be tailored to address the unique aspects of your workplace and additional questions can be added to gather the specific insights you need. While we do customize, it is recommended that most of the questions remain as designed to calculate WPI and EXI scores, KPI’s, and for benchmarking purposes.

How is the WPIx administered to our employees?

The survey is administered online, making it easy for employees to complete it at their convenience either from their desktop or a mobile device. We provide a secure and user-friendly platform for distributing and collecting survey responses.

How long does it take to complete the WPIx?

The survey typically takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. We design our surveys to be concise yet comprehensive to ensure high participation rates without taking up too much of your employees’ time.

Are employee responses confidential?

Yes, all survey responses are kept confidential. We ensure anonymity to encourage honest and candid feedback from your employees.

How do we analyze the survey results?

We provide an online diagnostic dashboard with tabs for detailed analysis of the survey results. Our dashboard can be shared as a PDF report that includes key findings, visual data representations, and actionable insights. Additionally, our team is available to help you interpret the results and develop strategies for improvement.

Can we track changes in employee feedback over time?

Absolutely. We offer options that allow you to track changes and trends in employee feedback over time through your custom dashboard. This helps you measure the impact of any changes implemented and continuously improve your workplace.

How do we get started with deploying the WPIx at our organization?

Contact us through the form linked below. We’ll set up an initial consultation to understand your needs and design a plan that fits your goals.